TriTren 200, 3 esters of Trenbolone, LA Pharma

TriTren 200, 3 esters of Trenbolone, LA Pharma

Ingredient: trenbolone mix
Package: 10ml (200mg/ml)
In Stock

Price: $99

TriTren 200, Trenbolone, LA Pharma

TriTren 200 is an injectable steroid, this drug contains Trenbolone Acetate, Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and Enanthate and is made by LA Pharma.
TriTren 200 is been formulated with three different esters: Trenabolone Accetate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and Trenbolone Enanthate. The Acetate ester allows TriTren 200 to display a rapid elevation of blood plasma levels of Trenbolone. The other two esters (Hexahydryobenzyclcarbonate and Enanthate), which release at differing but slower rates, prolong the blood plasma levels of trenbolone.
Regardless of the ester, Trenbolone is a very potent androgen with strong anabolic activity. It can be used for mass development or it can be used for cutting (which is more common) and is well suited for either. Due to its progestenal nature, Testosterone must always be stacked with it, although Trenbolone does not convert to estrogen.
TriTren 200 would probably be used for cutting, and one would probably stack it with an anabolic such as Winstrol or Primobolan. Bulking with this steroid is also highly possible, and with the addition of compounds like Dianabol and Testosterone, quality muscle mass would be quickly accrued.

Out of all the injectable steroids available, TriTren 200 is the one that should be used with extreme caution and only after plenty of research into its side effects and common cycles have been carried out. Trenbolone side effects can be very bad to many users, so much so that they will not use it despite its very positive effects on the body and strength. Firstly, as TriTren 200 is so androgenic, all side effects that are seen with strong androgens can be expected with TriTren 200. If one is prone to male pattern baldness (MPB) than trenbolone will likely speed this up. Some users find acne on trenbolone worse than when on any other steroid. Certainly TriTren 200 is not recommended for female users due to its strong androgenic properties and the common side effects that manifest themselves in females who use strong androgens.
The Side Effects of TriTren 200 are similar to those of other testosterone compounds. Next to the high water retention other negative effects that are noticed are a sometimes strong acne and a distinctly increased aggressiveness in some users. An aggressive behavior can mostly be explained by the fact that athletes simply use too high a dosage of TriTren 200 and too low a dosage of the other testosterones. The very severe acne, however, is only caused by TriTren 200. Often no purulent pustules but many small pimples appear so that the athlete looks as if he has an allergy. This is not intended to discourage anyone but it is a fact that many athletes after a brief time develop an acne on their lower arm, upper arm, shoulder, chest, back, and also in their face which, during an earlier intake of Sustanon or Testosterone Enanthate, did not manifest itself.

Dosage: TriTren 200, Trenbolone, LA Pharma

200 - 400mg per week

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