T-Iso-100, Testosterone Isocaproate, Platinum Biotech

T-Iso-100, Testosterone Isocaproate, Platinum Biotech

Ingredient: testosterone isocaproate
Package: 10ml (100mg/ml)
In Stock

Price: $49

T-Iso-100 - mens health drug, this drug contains Testosterone Isocaproate and is made by Platinum Biotech.
Testosterone Isocaproate is another compound that has attempted to provide a viable alternative to injectables for testosterone replacement or supplementation. While methyltestosterone was the first attempt at doing this, Testosterone Isocaproate has tried to solve the major hinderance to long term use of methyltestosterone, namely hepatoxicity due to it being 17 alpha alkylated.
T-Iso-100 comes in capsules. These capsules each contain 40 milligrams of the compound which is based in oil, oleic acid, castor oil and propylene glycol laurate being the most common used. When the ester weight of the undecanoate ester is subtracted from the weight of the compound, it leaves 25 milligrams of testosterone per capsule. Now obviously to reach an anabolic effect most users will need to use multiple capsules at once, and run these throughout the day. Due to the active life of the compound being eight to 12 hours, as well as the fact that testosterone levels peak within two hours of administration of the drug, users would be well served to take their capsules at least every 3-4 hours when awake if they hope to acheive any anabolic effect from the compound. This will maintain a relatively stable blood concentration of the compound.
One of the theories of why it may be less effective than the injectable version of testosterone is that it may not actually bypass the liver. This would cause the majority of the drug to be broken down by the liver, leaving very little of it left to circulate in the body. However the pharmaceutical company that produces the only currently commerical form of Testosterone Isocaproate, T-Iso-100 produced by Organon, maintains that it does not. If this is true, than it only leaves the theory that individuals' lymphatic systems have different rates of absorbtion of the compound, and therefore not all of the compound will enter a user's system. This could account for the varied results with Testosterone Isocaproate, as well as the fact that anecdotally nearly all users report that their gains using the drug are less than specatcular. Only very modest gains in muscle mass and strength are reported by most, even at relatively high doses. Seemingly Testosterone Isocaproate should not be relied upon in most circumstances if one wishes to see any significant anabolic or androgenic effects.

Like any testosterone, the dosages administered by both male and female users vary quite widely. In the case of T-Iso-100 it is usually the price and/or the general characteristics of the compound that limit the amount that a user would be willing to use. As for a dosing schedule, as stated earlier, due to the short active life of the compound and the fact that blood levels of the drug peak within two hours of administration users would be well served to split their doses throughout the day to roughly every three to four hours. This should provide a fairly stable concentration of the drug circulating.
Like testosterone in general, this compound can be run safely for extremely lengthy periods of time. Due to it not being 17 alpha alkylated like most other oral anabolic steroids there are no increased concerns with hepatoxicity either. Medically it can be prescribed for testosterone replacement therapy, which should speak to its safety for long term use.
Also like the other testosterone compounds, it can be stacked with most other compounds. However due to the unreliable absorption rates, users should use caution when administering it with other anabolic steroids. If absoprtion of the Testosterone Isocaproate is not very efficient, this could lead to low testosterone levels due to suppression of the natural testosterone production in users. This could result in sexual dysfunction and/or a loss of libido in some individuals depending on the compounds that they are using.
For the most part it is recommended that users take their doses of T-Iso-100 with meals, as this will aid with lymphatic absorption. This is due to the improved environment in the small intestine when gastrointestinal secreations such as bile are present. However depending on the dosing schedule of the user this may not always be possible.
The steroid is taken principally to enhance the body and stimulate the psyche. Most bodybuilders who take this drug claim that it does not do much. The only feature which has consistently been seen in a slight weight gain. But since bodybuilders take so many other drugs, it is hard to know which drug is responsible. T-Iso-100 has moderate anabolic properties but also is a powerful androgenic agent.

Due to the fact that Testosterone Isocaproate bypasses the liver completely, there are no issues concerning hepatoxicity. As well due to its short active life, women who experiment with testosterone could find it one of the more appealing options. This is because it will quickly clear a user’s system if severe side effects occur and one has to cease administration of the drug immediately. However, risks of virilizing symptoms developing are still very real.
No other specific side effects are associated with T-Iso-100 other than those that are commonly found with using any type of testosterone compound. It appears that T-Iso-100 reacts the same way as other drugs, effecting cholesterol, hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis, and other functions in the body. There are some studies that seemingly indicate that the compound can actaully improve users blood pressure, as well as not effecting the prostate to any great degree. However, like most studies, these conclusions should be viewed not as absolutes.

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